Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Olivet, Our Olivet

After the Olivet football game last Saturday, we took Brynlee on a tour of our alma mater, and her future stomping grounds. She thoroughly enjoyed the visit and we look forward to many more trips there with her!

Visiting our "spot" where we
would start to think even
in those early days of college
that maybe we could be more than friends :)
Brynlee's really glad her mommy and daddy
got to spend all that time in the quad getting
to know each other!
Checking out Chapman Hall and dreaming
that she can meet her hubby at Olivet
just like her mommy did!
Seeing where Mommy lived her
freshman year (3rd window up on the right).
Daddy spent a lot of time in the
lobby and on the steps of this building too!
Milby Clock Tower
Grandma looks thrilled
to be at the planetarium!
(P.S.-Mom, how HUGE is that sweatshirt
you've got on?!)
My favorite alumnus along with
our future Olivetian!
She was over the "Olivet Experience"
by this point :)
Our Family!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Brynlee is 8 Months Old!

Brynlee turns 8 months old today! This month has been a little slower in terms of development, and I am quite alright with that. I'm getting a little break before she decides to start walking to catch my breath! Brynlee, here's what you're up to now that you are 8 months old:

-You are back to sleeping through the night again....hallelujah! I think the momentary break in sleeping was due to learning how to stand. You wanted to stand all the time, including the middle of the night, but then you couldn't get yourself back down! The newness of standing has worn off and you're back to being a sleeping angel :)

-You now wear a size 2-3 diaper during the day and a size 3 nighttime diaper at night, which has been a lifesaver in terms of laundry.

-I haven't weighed you recently, but I'm guessing you weigh around 17-18 pounds. It seems like you are really starting to get tall too!

-You're now wearing 6-9 month clothes for the most part. Most of your jammies are still 6-9 month too, but you're probably able to wear 9-12 months pajamas, just because you need the extra length.

-You eat 3 (food) meals a day. YoBaby yogurt and a fruit in the morning, with a veggie in the afternoon and a meat and veggie in the evening. The jury's still out on the meats (you've only been eating them for a few days) but you are finally back to liking vegetables.

-Still not much hair to speak of. The good news is we're getting our money's worth out of all of your hairbows and headbands :)

-You still have just your bottom two teeth. I thought you were working on one of your top teeth, but it's been a few days and still hasn't shown up yet. Maybe soon!

-After almost 2 months of army crawling, in the last 2 weeks you decided to get up on your hands and knees. The transition came out of nowhere and you haven't looked back since!

-You still like to pull yourself up on everything. Just today you climbed up every single stair by yourself (with your mama hovering behind you) and you are now starting to walk (almost run!) along the couch and loveseat. Maybe by your 9 month post, you'll be walking!

-You love being outside and going for walks and we're looking forward to doing more of that now that cooler weather is arriving!

-Other things you love: reading books that make noise, splashing all the water out of the bathtub, chewing on every cord and tag that you can find, chasing Turner and trying to eat his paws and tail, and playing with all of your friends at the babysitter's!

Can't believe that Bryn is 2/3 of the way to her 1st birthday. Time sure does fly when we're having fun!


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wedding Weekend

It's been so long since I've updated our blog that my sister had to beg for an update via Facebook. I'm happy to oblige her request :) Things have been pretty busy here lately, so I'm planning installments of the Yoder family happenings in numerous blog posts.

Brandon's cousin, Molly, got married last weekend on the golf course. It was a little chilly that day for an outdoor August wedding, but it was beautiful! The occasion allowed for Brynlee to finally meet her cousins Elli and Kolbyn. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the three of them, but Elli and Kolbyn couldn't get enough of "Baby Brynlee." I'm sure the three of them will be thick as thieves in due time.
Brynlee enjoying the rehearsal dinner

Brandon and Brynlee before the ceremony

Brandon and Kolbyn, the ring "bear," showing off their growls

The Girls

Kolbyn sneaking his 2nd (or 3rd!) cupcake of the night

Do these two look like trouble or what?!

Brynlee and the beautiful bride

Take note boys, this girl loves flowers :)

Congratulations James and Molly!