Monday, November 9, 2009

Brynlee is 10 Months Old!

Brynlee, you've reached the double digits and are officially 10 months old! Here's the highlights of the last month of your life:

-You still snooze away from 8pm-6am and tend to sleep in on the weekends. How you know that it's the weekend, I have no idea, but I'm grateful nonetheless.

-You are wearing a size 3 diaper during the day and size 4 at night.

-You weigh 18 pounds 10 ounces (25-50%), are 27.5 inches long (25-50%) and your head is 17.5 inches around (50%). You are average on the charts but anything but average in your mommy and daddy's eyes :)

-You still wear 6-9 or 6-12 month clothes, but we have encountered a huge dilemma in the jeans department. Suddenly your 9 month jeans are too short, but 12 month jeans fall right off your skinny little hips. I have searched high and low for jeans that will fit you to no avail. So, it looks like leggings will be your legwear of choice this winter.

- Luckily, you have not outgrown any more shoes over the last month. We are hopeful that your ridiculously huge shoe wardrobe can be utilized for a while longer since we've already paid Pediped enough money to sustain their business for a year :)

-You eat 3 meals a day and LOVE to drink water from a sippy cup. We haven't fully transitioned to the sippy for all drinks just because formula and a sippy cup are not a fun combo. But once you can drink (much cheaper) whole milk, you'll be on the sippy cup only!

-The hair gods are still not really shining on you yet. The back of your head has sprouted a little more hair and is even starting to flip out and curl a little (yay!), but you still look bald to the naked eye.

-You officially have 5 teeth and I think the 6th tooth will be making an appearance shortly.

-You can now wave goodbye when we say "bye bye", repeat "Daddy" and "puppy" when we say them and your new favorite to repeat is "uh oh."

-Things you love: taking your shoes and socks off in the car, chasing Turner, taking all the diapers and toys out of the baskets on your changing table, smacking your lips, and crawling up the stairs with record speed.

- And the biggest news of this month, YOU ARE WALKING!! You can cruise from one side of the room to the other and can even stand up without pulling up on something. You look so cute toddling around because you are just so darn tiny to be walking. But we are soooo proud of you!

Turner is equally excited about
Brynlee's 10 month birthday!

Birthday kisses from Turner

Getting older is apparently hard
work for both baby and Daddy!
Look at her go!

Happy 10 month birthday, baby girl. Only a few more months and we can really celebrate!