Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We get to enjoy the biggest "treat" of all this Halloween!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Walk This Way

Brynlee has been really practicing her walking skills lately. What started off as basically falling forward into things has progressed to actual steps! Every day she gets a little more brave and adds a few more steps to her "walks." Check out today's best effort!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sick Day

Brynlee and I have not been feeling the greatest over the last couple of days. When I picked Brynlee up from her sitter's yesterday, she told me Brynlee was running a 101 fever. So, in the afternoon it was off to the doctor for us. Unfortunately, the sitter had given Brynlee some Tylenol, which in turn lowered her temp, and the doctor thought we were crazy since it appeared we brought in a perfectly healthy child. Brynlee has continued to run a fever for the last 36 hours and this morning woke up looking like this:

All the snot just makes you feel so bad for her, doesn't it?! If you feel really bad for her, we'd welcome you to come make her feel better by trying to wipe all that nastiness off her face every morning. She pitches a fit! Anyways, I decided to use a sick day and stay home with her today and am so glad I did. She's gone back and forth between acting like herself and then being completely pathetic and curling up on my lap. I hate that she's sick, but I'm not gonna lie....I love that she's been cuddling up with me :) I miss those baby days when all she wanted to do was lounge around in our arms. Now, she doesn't have time to snuggle up with her mom and dad....she's got people to see, places to go, and things to explore!

Luckily, it appears Brandon has been spared (hopefully not just temporarily) the nastiness that Bryn and I have endured. Pray that we're on the road to recovery soon and that Brynlee is back to her normal shenanigans in no time :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Outdoors at the Orchard

This past weekend while my parents were visiting, we all loaded up in the car and headed to our local apple orchard for their fall festival. We didn't stay long since it was cold, crowded, and not exactly geared towards a 9 month old. But, we did get some cute pictures of our little princess during her first fall festivity, so I'll let thm do the talking :)

Brynlee's first hayride...she loved watching the
wheels on the tractor!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Brynlee is 9 Months Old!

Brynlee, you are officially 3/4 of the way to your 1st birthday! How in the world did that happen so fast?! Here's what you're up to over the last month:

-You sleep from about 8pm-6am when we have to get up for the sitter's. But, the last few weekends you have blessed us with sleeping in until 8:00 or later. You are a girl after your mother's own heart :)

-You now wear a size 2-3 or size 3 diaper, depending on what's on sale at the store. I'm sad to see the Pampers Swaddlers go because it makes me feel like you're not a baby anymore. You've worn those since we brought you home from the hospital and it's like a little piece of your babyhood is disappearing :(

-Guessing you weigh around 18-19 pounds. Your 9 month checkup doesn't take place until you're almost 10 months old, so we'll find out for sure in a couple of weeks.

-You wear 6-9 month or 6-12 month clothes. For pajamas, you wear 9-12 month size.

- You have the biggest feet EVER! You are now wearing size 12-18 month Pedipeds and Robeez and a size 5 in other shoes. Your feet are as big as your 18-20 month old friends'! Luckily, you have an aunt and grandma that spoil you rotten so you have 3 new pairs of shoes that fit to add to your wardrobe. Included in these new shoes are a pair of cheetah print them!

-You eat 3 (food) meals a day. YoBaby yogurt and a fruit in the morning, with a meat and veggie in the afternoon and a meat and veggie in the evening. You still eat just about anything, but are sticking to your guns when it comes to your hatred of peas. You also like to eat Gerber Puffs and Gerber Yogurt Melts for a snack in the afternoon.

-I don't believe any new hairs have appeared on your head in the last month. One of these days I will be able to take you out in public without a bow and have people not think you're a boy, but it may still be a while.

-You have 4 teeth! It appears as though your two top middle teeth may be making an appearance soon too, bringing the total to 6!

-You can crawl with the best of them, but aren't quite walking yet. You literally run along our furniture and will stand by yourself for a few seconds at a time, but haven't gotten brave enough to let go and take steps. I could be wrong, but I'm almost certain by your 10 month update that you will be on the move via your two feet and not your hands and knees anymore!

-You get into absolutely everything. Your favorite spot is in the corner by the TV where you can try and play with all the cords that are back there. Daddy does NOT appreciate this and you usually get a timeout on his lap if he finds you back there :)

-Things you love: your book on animals that makes the corresponding animal sounds, playing with Turner, trying to reach through the baby gate to play with Turner's food bowl, still chewing on every cord and tag that you can find, cuddling with your blanket in the car, and bouncing up and down at all times. You bob your little head while you bounce and then just laugh at yourself. We think you're pretty hilarious!


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy Fall, Ya'll

Fall is finally here! We've been enjoying football, apple cider, turning off the air conditioning, and taking pictures of our little princess in her adorable fall wardrobe :) Hopefully this weather will last a long, long, long time and we never have to endure winter. Wishful thinking, I know, but it can't hurt. Enjoy pictures of our cute fall flower child!

Brynlee's so happy to be wearing her flower headband!
Go Irish!

Bryn and Turner enjoying the fall breeze

Brrr...had to break out the tights for church today!