Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Brynlee is 5 Months Old!

As of yesterday, we officially have a 5 month old. I can't believe she's already that old....time is flying! The following, Brynlee, is the highlight list for your past 5 months.

-You still sleep between 10-11 hours a night, which is amazing if I do say so myself :)
-Still wearing size 2 diapers, but finding a way to soak through them and lay in a big puddle of pee about 2 times a week. Any suggestions for diapers that will hold a whole bunch of urine?!
-Eating 5-6 times a day, with cereal now added in one time per day.
-As of our last doctor check (May 26), you weighed 13 pounds 9 ounces and were 23.5 inches long. That's the 25th percentile for weight and 10th percentile for height (you obviously take after your momma on the height, poor girl)
-You are officially in 3-6 month clothes and all of your 0-3 month ones are packed up :(
-You love watching Turner and trying to "pet" him, which for you means grabbing onto his beard and seeing how much hair you can yank out!
-You are doing much better on your tummy and last week, you even scooted across a blanket to get your paci. You haven't done it since and I'm ok with that because I'm not ready for you to be crawling all over our house!
- You are really ticklish and let out the cutest little giggle whenever we tickle you.
-You are a smiley, smiley girl! All it takes is one silly look or a grin from either your Mommy or Daddy and you grin from ear to ear :)

Brynlee is discovering so much every single day. It's amazing to see how much she has changed in just a short 5 months. She's also getting so much fun! What a blessing to our lives she has been already and we can't wait to see what this next month holds for her :)

So happy to be 5 months old!