Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Try To Keep Up

Brynlee has been tearing up the milestone chart the last few days and I am having a hard time keeping up with all the new things she is doing!

Last Thursday, Brynlee had a horrible day. By the time Brandon got home, I was crying because she was just whining all day long, never wanted to be put down, etc. I was exhausted. Friday morning, I got Brynlee out of her crib and she was flashing the beginnings of her first tooth at me :) I felt a lot better knowing there was a reason for Brynlee's crankiness and my previously well-behaved and happy baby had not been taken over by aliens!

Saturday, Brandon and I went to a wedding reception while Brandon's parents watched Bryn for us. Before we left their house, we sat Brynlee down to play and she actually stayed sitting! Previously she had been too antsy to sit. But she finally proved that she can do it!

Monday, Brynlee delivered her most shocking development to date. I went upstairs to get her bath ready and left her downstairs to crawl around, play, hang out until I was ready for her. Well, I came down the stairs and was greeted with this:
She had pulled herself up to standing! The girl is not even 7 months old yet! Since she did this Monday, she immediately finds her way to the stairs all the time now and is pulling herself up. And, as I'm typing this, she has used her Bumbo seat to help her pull herself up and stand at the couch. Seriously, I cannot keep up with her and all her new tricks! I also can't stop myself from constantly worrying now that she stands that she will one day fall and bust her head open. Oh, motherhood. So much fun but so much worrying!

Here's hoping Brynlee gives us at least a month before she starts walking, but I've ordered 2 pairs of Pedipeds on Ebay in the last week just in case she doesn't :)