Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Brynlee is 11 Months Old!

You are one short month away from your 1st birthday, baby girl! Here's what you've been up to in the last month:

-You have taken to an earlier bedtime (about 7:30) and still sleep until we wake you up at 6 am on weekdays. You usually sleep in a little later on the weekends (about 6:45).

-You are wearing a size 4 diaper.

-Since you got your first official sickness that required prescription medicine, we were able to get you weighed last week. You tipped the scales at a whopping 19 pounds even!

-You are still wearing 6-9 month or 12 month clothes. I have a feeling you may be able to fit in these sizes for quite a while :)

-You are officially weaned from your nighttime bottle as of last Friday and have done great! You're now down to just 3 bottles a day (at mealtimes) and eat snacks along with water in between meals.

-We have our fingers crossed (and toes!) that hair will be one of your Christmas gifts. Anybody know of some "Miracle Grow" for babies?!

-You have 6 teeth (2 on bottom and 4 on top) and we are finally able to start seeing the 4 on top every once in a while.

-You rarely crawl anymore. You're not exactly "running" yet, but if you know you've done something bad, you can definitely move a little faster than just your average "walk."

-Words that you can repeat if you're in the mood to humor us: Daddy, Turner, uh oh, good job, yum, hi

-You have recently become somewhat of a drama queen and are prone to temper tantrums. If something doesn't go your way, it is not uncommon for you to let your body go limp and fall to the ground. You are also a big fan of arching your back when things aren't going well for you :)

-Things you love: dancing to your musical toys, bouncing up and down and all over the couch, opening all the cabinets (especially in the bathroom) and carrying around our mouthwash, unrolling the toilet paper, emptying Turner's water bowl, standing at the door and waiting for Turner to come in from outside, crawling underneath people's legs

Our precious 11-month-old

Enjoying her new winter hat

Dancing along with her favorite Christmas toys

Let the countdown begin....One month until the big 0-1!!