Thursday, December 8, 2011

Winter Wonderland

Last week, we got our first dose of Midwestern winter. In a matter of 24 hours, we got about 4.5 inches of snow. While Brynlee's parents are not huge fans of the white stuff, Brynlee was thrilled to wake up from her nap and see it flying. I will admit that Christmas and winter in general are much more enjoyable when being able to witness a child's perspective. The day after our snow fell, I picked Bryn up from the sitter's and she was insistent that she wanted to build a snowman. How she knew that with the snow we had we could build a snowman, I have no idea. I was able to postpone her snowman wishes for a while, but once Brandon got home,
there was no stopping her. The girl had waited months and months for snow and she was ready to play! The snow ended up being too hard to really do anything with by the time Brynlee
was able to get outside, but she had the time of her life anyways (and looked pretty cute while enjoying it!)
Cracks me up that she felt the need for sunglasses while playing in snow. At 6pm.

While the snow has since melted, I'm actually looking forward to getting out myself with Brynlee for some winter fun once Mother Nature decides to "bless" us again :)


The Seaman Family said...

Wow! That's a ton of snow! Looks like she had fun! Happy Anniversary!!