Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Morning in Review

Once school let out for the summer, I planned on taking Brynlee out on walks through our neighborhood often. I figured it'd give us something to do, keep Brynlee entertained, and most importantly maybe help me lose the 3 remaining pounds of baby weight that WILL NOT GO AWAY! So far, we've walked a whopping two times :) Today was one of those times. The following is the play-by-play of our morning:

10:52 am- Set out on our walk with Brynlee facing out in her stroller for the first time. She thought she was hot stuff being able to see all around her. I held back tears because she is getting far too big too fast!

10:58 am- Arrived at the park in our subdivision and hit the swings for a little while. Bryn was unsure whether she should lean back or lean forward, so she tried both.

11:10 am- Walked down the street and arrived home to our massive hanging baskets. Yes, they're amazing. No, I don't have a green thumb. I've kept these babies alive and growing since May just by watering them daily. If only all plants were that easy to take care of.

11:12 am- Safely in the garage with Brynlee looking like this:

11:14 am- Spent a few minutes here:

11:20 am- I check on Brynlee and she looks like this:

All in all, a successful walk. Maybe we should try these more often :)

P.S. I realize her crib looks institutional. We had to remove the bumpers because someone tried to rip them apart when she wasn't attended to instantly after waking up. I'm hoping a few days without them will break her of the habit and that we can get them back up since they're just so darn cute!


The Seaman Family said...

Wow! She looks so much bigger in these pictures! Especially in the swing.