Wednesday, July 15, 2009

She Likes to Move It, Move It

As of yesterday, at the age of 6 months 5 days, Brynlee decided she was no longer content to be sedentary. She is crawling! It's just army crawling on her belly at this point, but when she sets her sights on something, she goes after it in a hurry. The first video is yesterday, when she first started the crawling. She was kind of over it when I took that video, hence the whining. Oh, and pay no attention to the mess that is our house. Baby junk consumes our living room, but Brynlee likes it that way :) The second one is from today, where she's trying to get to Turner. This one cracks me up because she is trying so hard! It's amazing to me how much better she is at it just in one day's time. I'm so excited for her, but all of my friends with toddlers said I needed to treasure the time when Brynlee couldn't crawl/walk because once she does, this parenting thing gets even more exhausting. Lucky us, our child decided to crawl way earlier than the average baby, so we get two extra months of trying to keep up with her!