Saturday, April 25, 2009

Seven Months of Updating in One Post

Well, things have definitely changed around our household since the last update. On January 9 at 9:54 pm, Brandon and I welcomed our adorable baby girl, Brynlee Paige, to the world. The last three months have been exhausting, but unbelievably fun all at the same time. I haven't exactly had the time to blog since Brynlee's arrival, but I feel like I need to get back to it so that I can have a record of her milestones. Milestones thus far are sleeping through the night, which she started doing at about 6 weeks old. And her newest baby feat that she accomplished was rolling from her belly to her back last week. She's been stubborn and not really wanting to do it again since, but at least we know she's capable and we can check that off of her "baby to-do list." Here are some pictures of our princess over the last few months. Here's to hoping it won't be seven months until I blog again :)

Our first photo as a family

Turner meets his sister!

First bath at home

Brynlee's baby dedication


Most recent picture of Brynlee

P.S. After writing this post, I realize now why I stopped blogging. It has taken me over an hour to upload pics, modify fonts, etc. Anyone else have this problem? I couldn't even use Safari to write my post as it wouldn't upload photos. And Blogger makes it look like posting should be soooo easy.....ugh!


Kate said...

Love the update, Brooke (the writing, the pictures, the new blog design...all of it). :) You all look SO happy!

I agree that blogging can be time consuming...that's usually why I often do not write very much and just post pictures (probably not the solution you are looking for--LOL). Also, I usually multi-task and do other things while uploading pictures. I am sure you do this already--being a new mommy your time is extra precious :-)

Katie & Baby Smith

Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

doing posts with pictures takes considerably more time. but of course people want to see pictures :) Honestly the more often you blog the easier it will be to use blogger because you get used to its little idiosyncracies :)

She's beautiful :)
