Thursday, July 9, 2009

Brynlee is 6 Months Old!

Half a year?! Seriously?! Every month on the 9th I sit in pure disbelief that Brynlee is growing up this quickly. But with the growing up comes a lot of fun adventures with our little princess. Bryn, at the age of 6 months:

- You are still sleeping about 9-10 hours a night. You go down at about 8:30 and wake up at 6:30. Now if only I could get you to understand that summer break only lasts another month, maybe you would let Mommy sleep in!
- Still wearing a size 2 diaper, and no longer soaking through them. Hooray for less laundry!
- Estimating that you weigh about 15 pounds. Doctor's appointment is in a few weeks.
- Wearing 3-6 month clothes, but just about to move you up to 6-9 month sleepers
- You are eating cereal once a day and in the last week have added peas and green beans to your menu
- You are starting to get a little hair (finally!) and it looks like it will be pretty dark brown.
-Things you love: Mommy or Daddy making silly noises, watching/playing with Turner, watching Baby Einstein DVDs, being outside, and playing in the Exersaucer
- You aren't sitting up quite yet, but are getting pretty close. Hopefully soon!
- You roll all over, from one end of a room to the other, but crawling isn't happening yet
- Despite all the sucking on your hands and everything you can grab, you are still a toothless girl. But those gums when you smile are just the cutest!
- When I lay you down in your crib, you immediately roll to your belly. By the time I check on you before I go to bed, your teeny tiny hiny (as I call it) is usually high in the air.

Take 1: Looking like a Grandma :)
Much better